Academic Probation


Undergraduate Students whose cumulative grade point average (GPA) falls below 2.0 at the end of any academic term will be placed on academic probation. Graduate Students whose cumulative grade point average (GPA) falls below 3.0 at the end of any academic term will be placed on academic probation. Periodic meetings with the academic advisors are mandatory while remedying the situation. Tutorial services are available for all students upon formal request from our institution and seminary.

Academic Probation2018-04-02T23:50:38-04:00

Standards of Conduct


South Florida Bible College is a community of students, faculty, staff, and administration who are joined together for the purposes of academic enrichment, personal development, spiritual growth, and preparation for Christian ministry.  Relationships and responsibilities in this community are built upon: (1) the teachings and principles of the inerrant and authoritative Word of God (2 Tim. 3:16,17), (2) the personal accountability of each member to a loving and sovereign God (1 Peter 1:17), and (3) the inner resources and attributes of the Holy Spirit to guide and minister to each other in all relationships (John 16:13,14). Members of the South Florida [...]

Standards of Conduct2019-02-18T16:21:57-05:00

Tuition Rates


Graduation Rates & Affordable Tuition Christian students have a right to know the yearly graduation rates here at the college and seminary. These annual rates can be seen on our website by Graduation Rates. SFBC is Ranked Top 10 in Affordability and Top 1% overall among Christian Colleges in America. Here are our Tuition Rates.

Tuition Rates2019-10-18T09:59:38-04:00

Core Requirements (Undergraduate Degrees)


All degree programs at SFBC have core requirements. These consist of at least thirty-six credit hours of general education, and thirty or more credit hours each in Biblical and professional education. Some programs have additional requirements, such as practical, labs, and research. A portion of the academic criteria may be fulfilled through life learning credit. Regardless of the program pursued, students will be challenged and fulfilled by a course of study specifically designed for each student.

Core Requirements (Undergraduate Degrees)2019-02-18T16:18:21-05:00