It is the desire of SFBC to create an environment of scholarly inquiry within the bounds of integrity. Christian witness demands scholars present their research in truth and originality. Consequently, SFBC’s administration and faculty take very seriously the issue of academic integrity.
Academic integrity includes a wide range of activities such as writing, testing, etc. The integrity of a student’s work is violated when he/she has been involved in one or more of the following acts:
1. Cheating
Because of SFBC’s commitment to truth and moral behavior, any form of cheating will not be tolerated. A student who is suspected of cheating will be confronted, and if found in violation, will be disciplined.
2. Plagiarism
“To take ideas, writing, etc., from another and pass them off as one’s own” (Webster’s New World Dictionary, 1980, p. 1087). In order to avoid plagiarism, the student must cite completely and accurately all sources from which an idea or phrase originates. Plagiarism also encompasses the misuse of another’s ideas and is not isolated to words or phrases.