Norm Wise, Director

Dr. Wise has dedicated his life to healing hearts and homes since 1972. He is trained in theology and gifted in providing guidance through counseling to both individuals and families. Coming out of a dysfunctional family himself has given him a real empathy for people suffering from abuse from others or addicted to self-destructive life patterns. The core of his counsel comes from developing a healthier life story based on the love of God through Christ Jesus. The goal is teaching people how to live sane, stable, and spiritual lives.

Norman Wise has a B.S. in Education and a B.A. in Biblical Theology from Geneva College. He has a Master’s of Divinity and a D.Min. from Knox Theological Seminary. His doctorate focused on “The Pastor and Pain,” examining in-depth methods on how we explain pain and suffering in our lives and the process a pastor can take to provide caring counsel and practical help to emotionally and mentally suffering people.

As Executive Director of Living Water Christian Counseling center in Tamarac, Florida, which Dr. Wise helped found in 1991, he has seen over 30,000 people helped by their services.

In addition to his work at the counseling center and his pastoral duties at First Church West, in Tamarac, Dr. Wise serves as an adjunct faculty member at South Florida Bible College. He also cohosts “Ask the Counselor,” a weekly talk show on, every Tuesday at 1:00 p.m.

To learn more about Dr. Norman Wise and the Living Water Christian Counseling center, you can go to